Friday, September 27, 2013

Where I'm From Poem

Where i’m from I see the waves bump up and down like hills
Dipping my feet in the sea I’m looking out for boats
I reach back in for shore and see birds fighting over scraps
All I hear is giant waves crashing into the sand
I smell smoky barbecue coming towards my face

Where i’m from i can see my mum making a lot of noise in the kitchen
I see my mum cooking us dinner in the kitchen
I see u my mum making us nachos for dinner
I see people enjoying themselves eating MC Ds
I see some boys on the playground eating some chip

Where I’m from I hear the crowd like they are cheering for WILL.I.AM has entred the school.
I hear my brothers playing on the trampling like they are Michael jordan doing a slam dunk.
I hear the birds like they are singing a song
I hear people saying happy birthday like they are the crowd cheering the all blacks

Where I’m from I am taste is my middle name
I taste the salty sea water in my mouth like i have never had water for three years
I taste the salt of the hot chips that tangles off my tongue
I taste the sauce that it dribbles down me that came off my hot dog


  1. AWESOME POEM LEVI! Very descriptive and full of information. You made me want to keep reading in order find out what will you write next. Keep it up son....FANTASTIC....Dad

  2. Great "spoken word" Levi - 'cos as we both know... it's good to know that where you are from, is a place of standing (turangawaewae).
    Stand tall my son, and keep writing!
    Love Mum

  3. Hello Levi -
    My name is Jennifer Hamrick and I am a student at the University of South Alabama in Mobile, Alabama. I am earning a degree to become a teacher and part of one of my assignments is to read your blog and comment on it. I want you to know how much I liked your poem. Every sentence that you wrote, I could picture it in my mind. You used great descriptions. I look forward to coming back and checking on your blog and seeing what else you write this year. Good luck in school.

    Jennifer Hamrick
    My Class Blog


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