Has anyone told you that if you practice, practice then you will be perfect? That’s right because very soon it's Fiafia. Do not know what Fiafia means? It means celebration, get-together, and being happy. This year in term 1 for Fiafia, I am in Senior Hip Hop. I love dancing so that's why I chose Hip Hop.
I felt shy before it was our turn for Fiafia. I also was excited because it was the day. I was a Minion when the song Happy was playing. I thought that our performance was awesome and funny. All of Pt England students made all the parents happy.
There were many moves that needed to be learnt, but at the end we were amazing and looked awesome. It felt cool and fun to be in this particular group, because I choreographed with two of my friends this dance. Amazed that some people said that we should of been the last group to end it off and make everyone laugh. I found that being a Minion was fantastic. Also the other Minion next to me was another friend who was the short one and couldn't fit the costume.
On the way to school (where we had Fiafia) there was heaps and heaps of food to buy but my family sold Candy Floss. It was the first time ever anyone had sold Candy Floss. All the things to choose from was awesome and what I picked was the best chose to have dinner there.
Farewell, see you later and good night.