Thursday, October 16, 2014

Tangled Art Work

Tangled Art Work

If you like Tangled art you might want to listen up!! My class and I were told that we were going to make art. But This art was a Tangled sort of art and it looks cool. . The great thing about this art is that everyone has to participat. So this is an activity that everyone is included.

We had to think of the sort of designs and also all the sort of colours that we wanted to put on our art. So we skimmed and scanned for the right design and right colours. When I found the right design I wanted to put on my paper

So we got into the creating of the tangled art work and started to draw the designs. My patterns were Maori patterns and I made it awesome. The cool about it is that I loved creating it but the problem is that there’s still a little of people that still must finish. I had curvy, straight witch looks cool because there is more than one pattern. I was so creative I added so many patterns.

Once you have finished drawing it you’ll have to colour it in and make it look pretty. After all that arty work to finish it off we had to glue the pieces together. It is a really hard job to complete. Even a quarter of the class haven’t finished yet.

I was so glad I finished mine, and hopefully the rest have finished theirs and we can get on by finishing it.


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